Main Technics Repair Mobile Devices Repair SIM-card Connector Repair

SIM-card Connector Repair

Views: 13771

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 connector contacts Unsolder

Where to new contact «whiskers»?

If you have an old cell, then in them, if not, look for an original or replacement or old unwanted mobile phones.

Available " Mobile " has found a suitable thickness option.

 Old phone contacts with a working SIM-card
 Old phone contacts with a working SIM-card

Here for 8-pin SIM-card slot, but that's okay, remove superfluous . Unsolder want us to part.

 SIM-card connector sealed-off
 SIM-card connector sealed-off
 SIM-card connector Unsolder . Rear view

As such, the solder will not work, not the number of contacts to another location . Separate the extra pair of contacts and gently broke in half a contact group .

 sealed-off and separated contacts connector SIM-card
 sealed-off and separated contacts connector SIM-card

Now you can solder to the unit to be two 'set' for three contacts .

 Contacts OK SIM-card connector soldered
 Contacts OK SIM-card connector soldered
 Contacts OK SIM-card connector soldered

And Case for SIM-card successfully intermeddle .

 Contacts OK SIM-card connector soldered

It remains to check how fit SIM-card, would not that cling . In this case, all was well.

Now you can not collect phone check if he catches the network if there is such a possibility. And then continue to collect and use .

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