Main Technics Repair Repair of a car Replacing Engine Cushion Mini One

Replacing Engine Cushion Mini One

Views: 6438

To remove the upper engine mount to unscrew the metal piece, on which rests the engine.

Podushka dvigatelya

But first remove the fuel hose and the plastic holder.

Removing the fuel hose and clamp

Remove the screw that part is fixed to the engine and a Cushion. Remove it.

Snyatoe mount dvigatelya

Now Remove the three screws that secure the cushion to the housing and replace the Cushion.

Ustanovlena new Cushion dvigatelya

To fasten in place that detail that connects the engine to the Cushion and collect other details that we spun and shot.

Sborka parts near podushki
Sborka parts near podushki
Sborka parts near podushki

The process is not difficult and takes little time.

The very reason for change:

The old Cushion engine torn in two places

Two of the four rubber mounting torn, so the Cushion replaced.

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