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Dryer Repair

Views: 6347

Dryer making noise and was terribly weak blow. Open it and look at what it was.

Vozduhozaborny ventilyator

Fan filmed. One can see the motor mount and its axis.

Ventilyator snyat

In general, hair dryer disassembled, inspected, nothing looks broken or defective is not found. He pulled out a spiral, even the motor disassembled. Replaced the electrolytic capacitor.

Novy capacitor about motora

It turned out that the fan was slipping off the motor shaft and rub on the rear housing.

In the central hole axis of the fan slipped gum as a sealant and put it on the axle. Fan ceased to move out, and a hair dryer continued to work properly.

Was very simple, but to understand it took to sort out almost all the hair dryer. Not always passes repair "shortest route".

Photos useless busting dryer:

Motor fena
Rotor motora
Razobranny motor
Razobranny fen
Razobranny fen
Razobranny fen
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