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LCD TV Repair

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Examine repair the LCD TV Samsung. He ceased to be included.

Open the body, we find the power supply.

Korpus otkryt

It swollen electrolytic capacitors.

Vzdutye electrolytic capacitors block pitaniya

Most likely due to the drying and care settings capacitors characteristics have also changed the power supply, therefore, the voltage applied to the input circuit television that is not something that should be. This can be verified by measuring its voltmetrom. Typically, this is 3.3V, 5V, 14V and 12 for different models of the latter voltage may be different. All voltages are usually indicated on the circuit board near the power supply output connector, but not always.

begin to replace the bloated capacitors

The replacement parts you need to choose a voltage lower than the original, it is possible above, there is nothing wrong, and can fit in size and with the same capacity that source. Although I have been put with a capacity of more than a few of the original and all was well. I will not say that you can do so, because the circuitry switching power supplies are not fully understood.

Desoldering the old capacitors, paying attention to the polarity, because for them it matters. If the board has signed polarity, it will simplify the business.

Zamena «elektrolitov»

I recommend to solder one by one, so as not to get lost in the tanks. It happens that in the scheme are several capacitors in parallel are I replaced one, keeping the final total capacity.

After soldering collect and test equipment. It's working! It was the most simple case, just as there are faults in fluorescent lamps and their supply chains. Typically, this swollen electrolytic capacitors, and the inverter FETs. And because of the capacitors with transistors can escape fuses. Less commonly, high voltage transformers are burning themselves backlight. Even more rarely, other individual "crashes" of various electronic components.

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