Main Technics Repair Home Appliances Repair Vacuum Cleaner Hose Repair

Vacuum Cleaner Hose Repair

Views: 11424

When we do a spring cleaning, use a vacuum cleaner hose as a "leash" for which it occurs and to drag the hose is cut off near the base. Do not worry! Try to understand and fix.

Tore vacuum cleaner hose

the technology of mounting

The hose itself in a spiral manner and it is simply screwed into the base and placed on the adhesive.

So cut the damaged piece of hose, pick out the remains of the base, all is well cleaned from dust and degrease.

The mounting vacuum cleaner hose. Remains recovered
The mounting vacuum cleaner hose. Remains recovered
vacuum cleaner hose attachment point

Align the end of the hose, cutting off the excess if necessary.

Shlang and osnovanie

Now try on. Screw the hose. I think there a problem should arise. Successfully tested - lubricates the surface of the glue, screw or again postpone the hose to dry.

Otremontirovanny hose pylesosa
Shlang zakleen

After drying the hose like new, only a bit shorter.

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27.01.2021 at 01:46 Idau Allagoa said:

i have a problem with my vacuum cleaner it does pick boy ir don't go inside so can you fix it please thank you.