Inside we can see all the dirt and diesel fuel. All dirt should be removed with a cleaning cloth and a carburetor. But first pull out a three-lobed valve stop member.

At the end of the pin locking element is cut ball, this is what keeps the diesel fuel in the check valve.
To unscrew the gizmo, which we opened with four holes, requires a special key with three pins. You can buy it, that's expensive for a unit injector parsing, or you can do it, but here is difficult, I have not figured out how to make a simple and reliable, and sophisticated methods of unknown reliability will not describe. If I can loosen this nut, it will show what's inside, but for now it will remain anonymous. And the main reason is not the complexity of the invention the key, and there is no need, because the check valve and so available, it can be cleaned, and the need for disassembly is only in the case of replacement parts.
Clean the check valve
Wipe the locking plane threefold element (he pictured above close-up), then wipe with something thin upper part of the check valve.

Now, with carburetor cleaner and a rag ototrem dirt in the solenoid by pulling out of it washers (one for spring and another large seal) and the spring-loaded and then he shall wash out.

proceed to the removal and cleaning spray
To prevent damage to the nut that holds the gun, I recommend you secure the nozzle and head to twist off 14. Tightened strongly, but as with the upper part with a solenoid, just need to "break" the nut, then she turns easily by hand.