Main How to Disassemble How to Disassemble Mobile Devices SIM-card Structure

SIM-card Structure

Views: 11075

Let's start with picture from Wikipedia:

Schematic structure of the SIM-card

A crystal-this is the basis of SIM-card in it and the memory and the processor and everything else needed for the job.

Let's move on to the practice-to the analysis of SIM-card. Wanted without advertising, but hidden advertising is still there for those who know the operator.

Dismantling SIM-card
Dismantling SIM-card
Dismantling SIM-card
Dismantling SIM-card
Dismantling SIM-card
Dismantling SIM-card

Crystal and saw provodnichki connecting metal contacts with the crystal. And inside the crystal is nothing but brilliant oskolochkov see failed.

What a beautiful picture from the site

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01.02.2021 at 21:24 simcardobsesser said:

i obsess over sim cards