Main How to Disassemble How to Disassemble Mobile Devices RFID key

RFID key

Views: 7447

How work wireless keys?

Inside the coil, closed on a chip. When you hit the key in the electromagnetic field of the reader coil current begins to flow, which is powered chip. At power up the chip starts to give out to the winding sequence of pulses-sewn in the key code.

We analyze key wireless doorphone

Broke down the contactless key doorphone. Just stopped working.

Proximity key to the intercom, front view
Wireless Doorphone key, rear view

Before you throw decided to take it apart and examine the inside.

He understands podkovyrivaniem round cap somewhere along the groove.

The key to the intercom open

See inside the coil of thin copper wire and mikroshemka. Continue to dismantle ...

The key to the intercom open
The chip inside the key
The anchor chip inside the key
The anchor chip inside the key
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