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Make Computer Quieter

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Here is the video card in the circuit cooler series resistance .

Posledovatelno in the chain included soprotivlenie

He's a piece of paper in the background.

Posledovatelno in the chain included soprotivlenie

And power consumption is shown on the reverse side. To see have to remove the cooling system.

 Parameters cooler on the back side of the

Of course , open circuit must be isolated . For photos of the insulation was removed .

Table derating factors when added to the series resistance of the circuit :

resistivity index derating factor
1,1 1,21
1,2 1,44
1,3 1,69
1,4 1,96
1,6 2,56
1,8 3,24
2 4
2,5 6,25

Not difficult to see that the quadratic dependence . Who familiar with school physics well , not because I'm the one without the calculations would guess about the nature of addiction.

Resistivity index-the ratio of the total resistance of the circuit ( with series resistor) to resist the cooler , that is, when added to the chain of resistance equal to the resistance of the cooler , this value will be equal to 2, and the addition of half a resistance of the cooler it will be 1.5 .

Derating factor-the ratio of the source of power dissipation fan to fan power dissipation in a circuit with series resistance . Shows how many times the consumption is reduced fan power .

File with the calculations can take here.

Cleaning and replacing the fan

Fans of old age can jam or start a buzz or rattle . In such a case, you can make out the faulty mechanism , removing the impeller , clean the axle hub , lubricate and assemble. It helps, but not for long. This way I can recommend only as a temporary measure before buying a new one. Not a single fan has not worked well for a long time , after such recovery efficiency . Certainly can not hurt , and just wipe the dust from the fan .

Over the purchase of new ones.

Very little is better not to take, if it is possible to take more (unless, of course, it fits on the target site ) , just pay attention to the level of noise generated . By reducing the noise worse heat , so do not hurt to add one or two fans to the computer to draw warm air from the interior (they also can be quiet if required ) .

 additional fan at the rear of the computer
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