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Make Computer Quieter

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Videokarta with native kulerom

Unplug and remove the fan. But please note that the fan is not native to speak and can not get into the video card . The computer must have enough space to install the cooler on videoobrabatyvayuschuyu fee. The presence of such a space is easy to estimate when removing the card.

Kuler off and snyat
Drebezzhaschy cooler videokarty

To establish a new graphics card cooler . But first, connect it to 12 volts and assess the level of noise. This option is almost silent . Just pay attention to current consumption . It should not exceed the value of that consumed the home fans. It consumes 0.11A home , and the new 0.07 A. If you still want to put more power the fan , then do not connect it to a standard plug on the video card and power supply unit .

Novy cooler videokarte

So how old is unlikely to be used , it can be cut off from his harness connector and soldered them to the new.

Novy cooler videokarte
Novy cooler videokarte

Set the video card in your computer.

 The video card with a new cooler installed in the computer
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