I'm sorry for not perfect english. In time I'll do a good quality translate. If you could not get anything please feel free to contact me in comments. I will answer you as soon as possible.
Modern plastic windows are very easy to use - easy to open and close, and in two "directions", have the function of "mikroprovetrivaniya" (that is fixed in the window slightly open state).
But these functions are often insufficient to ensure a stable level of ventilation required. Almost always there is wind, which either closes or opens our window. In such a case, the ideal solution would be to install a window latch in the form of a comb. This small and easy-to-install thing greatly expand the capabilities of your windows.

proceed to install
Please turn on 90 ° plastic cover that hides the bolts handle.

Loosen the screws. Now nothing is holding the handle and it can be removed. Under the handle part, Put the lock with a rod.

We put the handle in place, tighten the screw and close the plastic cover.

establish itself comb
Dress fits on the rod and putting a base to the frame. I did not have to open the window, but the models clips and windows are different, so you may have to open the window to comb stood up in front of the base of the rod.

Refer to the base comb did not stand in the focus to the window sash, while the comb should not sit on the edge of the rod. This will help to avoid further unnecessary bends and grazing grounds of the window.
For fixing the comb is very convenient to use screws with a drill bit at the end (in the store, they were called "for mounting to plastic windows" or something like that).

Please fasten the upper hinge (so ultimately easier to fix than the first bottom). Not until the end, and then you can break the lock, because the comb is still sitting on the bar.
Then lift up the comb, looking to its location was perfectly smooth, correct if necessary, and we twist the bottom screw. And then you can tighten and top.

All the installation process is complete.
Examples of use: